Monday, June 3, 2013

Honor a Mom, Honor a Child Giveaway!

It's been my goal to be an amazing Mom to my children. I want them to love me forever, I want to have them in my life, for all of my days. Through the struggles with my own Mother, I've learned where to walk a similar path and where to create my own.

I have amazing relationships with my kids, which I am SO great full for! It's amazing watching them grow, learn and become amazing people.....I love these kids more than life...I'd GIVE my life for I'm sure so many of you would ♥

Without my kids, I wouldn't be a Mom....without them, I wouldn't be me. So, please join me in honoring Moms and Children, by entering the giveaway.

The winners will receive matching or coordinating bags. (Mom & Child) Claim only the entries you fulfill, or your entries will be deleted.